Cupping for Pain Relief

If you’ve had an injury and suffer from aches, you should know that cupping therapy is a technique used in Oriental Medicine to eliminate residual pain from internal injuries. Cupping treatment simply uses glass cups and heat to stimulate the areas of pain and release...

Your Tongue and Your Health

The tongue can carry many hues: black, purple, or paler shades of its normal color. It can possess a thick, yellow coating, a white coating, or a greasy coating, each of which indicates different happenings inside the body according to Oriental Medicine. I have a...
Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Does acupuncture hurt? I can safely say that no, the vast majority of the time acupuncture neither hurts nor draws blood. If anything is done with force beyond moderation it can hurt, whether it be eating too much pizza or inserting a sharp instrument into your body....

The Science of Acupuncture

I met someone recently who, upon my telling her that I perform acupuncture, immediately asked, “Does that mean you have a crystal ball?” I’m sorry if this disappoints anyone, but the answer is no. Does acupuncture seem to fly in the face of traditional medical...

My Journey to Wellness and Balance

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Dr. Anis Khalaf, I am a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and I practice integrative medicine at Acupuncture Fit in Orlando. My office is located at 1060 Woodcock Rd., Suite 103, Orlando, FL 32803. Your initial consultation is free;...